Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our veggie stir fry came out great! I am so happy we have a systems of guys and girls who all help cook and clean! Yesterday at orientation we just went to an informative meeting and learned the times of our registration for our faculty (major) and some tours and trips and the rest of the surrounding area. In the mechanical engineering building there are these really cool elevators. They have no doors and one side goes up and one side goes down. You have to jump in and out of the elevator in order to switch floors. The left side you jump in to go down and the right side goes up! Its really cool, once I get a camera I will take a video or a few pictures and post them. After orientation Liz, Kristin, Allie (a girl we met from Kansas), Nick and I went to pay for our internet at the bank. Kristin and I also got our cell phones which are nothing extravagant but they will get the job done. We walked around the town of Mustek for a little bit where I must go back to. The architecture is absolutely beautiful!! The buildings are so full of detail and color! We then went to the next town on the metro, Andel, and found the best store to buy everything needed here, its basically a super Wal-Mart but better and cheaper. I could have spent hours in there, but we needed to get back for our international student club (ISC) first party and bonding event in Prague 2 at the P.M. Bar. There was a live band playing and it was so much fun. At one point they were playing 50's swing stuff and me and my ISC buddy we dancing the night away. It was so fun! We all had a really fun time and were back in our rooms in bed by midnight becasue we were so tired from all the walking and dancing. Now off to have some breakfast of fruit and probably more touring today!

1 comment:

  1. I remember a really good camera store in Prague. It was called something like "photo skoda" or sounded something like that. If I remember correctly, it was in the area of St. Wincesles plaza.
