Friday, October 23, 2009

Sorry its been so long again...

This week has been full of classes and catching up on sleep. I have been learning a lot of the same things in each of the classes becasue they are so similar in material. I have been learning about sewage, drainage, and where all the waste water goes and how Prague deals with the water and where it goes after treatment. Its actually cool to see what actually happens behind the walls in a house and where everything goes. We have a project coming up soon in waster water treatment and I don't know exactly what we do but I have heard we built a little model of a water treatment plant. In each other the processes the water changes color and once it is clean it is clear. In my Czech culture class we learned about Czech literature and famous Czech authors. Jaroslav Hasek wrote The Adventrues of the Good Soldier Svejk which was one of the books recommended for us to read. Its about life during World War II in this area and it is a very entertaining and amusing novel but also answers many serious questions. I definitely going to get a copy once I am home. Today I did not have class so Kristin and I checked out the Chinese markets which I did not find too good but she was able to find some cool things. Tonight my friends Alyssa and Lorry are coming from York, England and I am excited to show them around Prague!! Hannah, October 27th, where are you going to line at Walmart buying Ice Age 3 right?! *cough* Christmas is in 2 months *cough*. Sorry about that little frog in my throat. Angela and I made awesome black bean burgers Tuesday and Wednesday night. The recipe is very easy and I can't wait to make them when I get home. I also made an awesome spinach, shitake mushroom, pepper and garlic stir fry and it was AMAZING. I love this whole cooking on my own thing. Its fun! I also found this great recipe for skillet Lasagna, which is great becasue all we have is a stove top here. I can't wait to try it. Nick and I are off to pick up the girls in a few but hope everyone is well and my love to all!!

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