Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Day in Praha!

Happy Thanksgiving a day late to everyone!! We had a traditional thanksgiving here in Prague as best we could. We were able to be all together and some of the kids in our group had their parents here as well so I was happy they were able to celebrate the holiday with us too! Our Prague family all participated in making and buying food and drinks and we were all able to have a filling meal. We had about 9 chickens (could not find turkeys here), corn, green beans, peas, carrots, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, bread, chocolate cake, cheesecake and a ton of different pastries. The meal was mainly prepared by the Kennedy's, Kristin's mom and dad. Since the stoves were so small each of our kitchens were occupied by some sort of food. It was hard not to snitch at the potatoes in our room since we were all so hungry and craving a good Thanksgiving meal. We all left the meal feeling very full and content. I was so happy we were able to celebrate since we were all missing the traditions at home. It was a great Thanksgiving that I will always remember. Hope everyone else had a food, fun, and love filled day!

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